Trusting God with our motives and actions

I love walking to church on a Sunday morning, through the leafy and quiet roads, giving time for thinking.  Last Sunday was particularly special. As I come into Esher there is a small cottage before the green. A couple of weeks ago, I had met an acquaintance there who was assisting the elderly man who lives in this cottage - they had been out for a short walk up the road.   We had a chat together and it was good to meet him.   On Sunday morning I noticed a pile of Amazon parcels on his doorstep, and I had seen these on the doorstep the day before too.  Someone driving past would be unlikely to see them, but the path goes right by the front door.

I felt somewhat concerned and turned my thought immediately to God as I walked on to listen to what I should do about this, and trusted that this dear man was safe in God's complete care.    I knew the first name of the aquaintance I had seen him with, and that she lived in a block of flats in Esher, but didn't know her surname.   I was confident to know I would be led to do the right thing.   It would be perfect to meet her or to see a policeman. I haven't seen a policeman on foot in Esher for a number of years, but I wasn't ruling this out.

When I got nearer to church I realised that I could go to the Police Station which is now set up in the Council Offices in Esher.   I debated whether I should return, but I trusted that God was in control, and continued to church.   It was so good to hear the Rule for Motives and Acts read out "In Science, divine Love governs man", and .."a Christian Scientist reflects the sweet amenities of Love"..." in true brotherliness, charitableness"...

I decided to go to the Police Station on my way home, still knowing that I was being led to do the right thing.   Going down a pathway a gentleman came out of the back of a car park, and I then realised that I could cut through this car park to get to the Council Offices, which he confirmed.   In the distance I could see a number of Police cars parked in a special area and, although there was a notice saying it was not permissible to enter, I could see a police car just driving out and so I hurried across.   The policeman let down the window, presumably to ask why I was there, and I was able to ask if there was anyone in the Police Station. No - it was closed.   He listened to my information and said he would drive to the cottage immediately.    Twenty minutes or so later he telephoned me to say that all was well and, in fact, the gentleman was away.

I was so grateful that I trusted I would be told the right thing to do.   God's timing was perfect.    If I hadn't met the gentleman on my way home I would have gone the long way round to the Police Station and it would have been closed.     I met up with probably the only policeman in the area that morning.    I inwardly beamed for the rest of the way home.

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