Light Bulb moments

I’ve been thinking about the importance of  Wednesday testimony meetings as Mary Baker Eddy writes in the Church Manual:  “Testimony in regard to the healing of the sick is highly important.”   However, because people don’t always have physical healings to share they feel they have nothing to contribute to that part of the  meeting.


We’re often unaware that what we have seen in our own prayers  can be shared at a testimony meeting.   We may have had an earlier “light bulb” moment of inspiration  which jump-started our day. Couldn’t  this be  something to share at a testimony meeting.


With worsening world news our spiritual inspiration is more needed than ever.

I’d like to tell how a ‘light bulb’ moment affected my day after reading this line from the book of  Acts ; “For in him we live, and move, and have our being.”


I wrote down a list of ideas that expanded my thought from that statement.


“I move in God, I live in God, I ask God,  I think only of God, I listen to God, I pray to God, I wait on God, I observe only God, I choose only God, I decide only on God   In fact all that is spiritually going on,  is the Allness of GOD, the Allness of GOOD.


On the lunchtime news later that day  a whistleblower reported the appalling physical conditions  he had exposed in his large housing estate outside London, I was ready with the ‘light-bulb’ inspiration I’d found earlier in that line from the bible. In my prayers I applied those spiritual ideas to the community in the report I had just heard.  I felt at peace and knew that the outcome for everyone living on that housing  estate could only be good.


Later, a family member messaged that his flat had  a prohibition order put on it and he was living in unsatisfactory temporary accommodation.    Again, I was ready  - and had the right ideas to share with him in the language he would understand.   And he messaged back instantly with a thumbs-up emoji!


So if we don’t feel we have a physical healing to give at a Wednesday meeting, we can go to the ‘light bulb’ ideas we had earlier in the day and God will guide those ideas so they will not only bless others – but will reach further than we can ever imagine 


PS   Praying for our world  often results in our own healings and then we WILL have  something to share at a testimony meeting –  and the world will benefit too! 


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